The Development History Of Sex Doll

The history of realistic sex doll is very interesting. If you are interested, you can explore with me, the mystery story behind realistic sex dolls.Sex dolls are dolls that are used for having sex. Sex dolls have the same figure and appearance as a real woman. Body proportions are carefully calculated, so sex dolls are more sexy and perfect than women. The skin is soft and smooth and has a shiny finish. It is simply a beautiful reproduction of a real woman.

Some of the first sex dolls were created by French (dame de voyage) and Spanish (dama de viaje) sailors in the sixteenth century who would be isolated during long voyages.These masturbatory dolls were often made of sewn cloth or old clothes and were a direct predecessor to today’s sex dolls.Later, the Dutch sold some of these dolls to Japanese people during the Rangaku period, and the term “Dutch wives” is still sometimes used in Japan to refer to sex dolls.Inflatable dolls are the first to enter the field of vision. During World War II, it was rumored to have been launched by the Nazis. All men in the army were male, so the soldier’s sexual desire was not released. Many soldiers went out to find prostitutes, which also caused the risk of sexually transmitted diseases. In order to prevent STDs from spreading in the military, an inflatable doll was distributed to all soldiers. Inflatable doll made of PVC plastic, bright color, light weight, can be folded, easy to carry. Many people question this claim because of the lack of evidence.Until the middle of the 20th century, the production of “realistic sex doll” began to be popular in adult sex shops, and the inflatable dolls became the main product of many adult sex shop. At the end of the 20th century, realistic sex doll manufacturing technology has been progressing and gradually replacing PVC with silicone and rubber in order to obtain a more realistic texture and touch.

Sex dolls are for anyone interested in it. Customers who buy it include those who want to improve their sex life, single men, photographers, collectors, filmmakers, scientists, health professionals, and more.So now you have the sex doll history lesson you never thought you needed. Go now, return to the world armed with a few dinner party sex doll facts to drop on your unsuspecting guests.

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