Having Many Sex Dolls Affect Your Sexual Life

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The more lifetime partners the people are likely to have, the more they will have sex. People who have had more sex partners are happier than people who have fewer sex partners.

It is possible to have as much sex with as many  life size sex dolls as you want. Your human is right about it. It’s your body, and it’s yours. It’s important to make sure you’re responsible for your body.

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With anyone you want, you can have as much sex as you please. As long as you practice safe sex and only sleep with a doll, it does not affect you. As long as you enjoy yourself, there is nothing wrong with having more than one partner.

It doesn’t mean that you will be deficient in relationships if you have multiple sexual partners. It means that you are free to enjoy yourself and that having a sexual connection with a doll is a way to enjoy sex.

If having multiple female sex dolls is what makes you happy, then go for it! Nobody else has a sex life like you do. Enjoy your life, you only live once, my dear.

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